Thursday, September 08, 2011

Another Lohan Bites the Dust: The Ali Lohan Version

Why hasn't anyone put Dina Lohan in jail yet? For reals. Remember how gorgeous and fresh Lindsay was when she did Mean Girls? Remember how different she was because she was a redhead and freckly? Remember how she was uniquely beautiful, and not some cookie cutter skinny bitch?

She's gone now. We all know what she has turned into.

And now her sister too.

Above left is how Ali Lohan looked in 2009 and on the right is how she looks now. Totally thinnified, to a disgusting degree, blown up lips like her sister...looks like she's had her nose done and maybe something done to her jaw. It's sad.

She's a child. this is awful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From light and fresh-faced looking to ugly and pinched looking. What a waste.