Friday, September 02, 2011

Henry Cavill As Superman...Missing Something

I love my husband. A lot. So I watch a lot of movies and TV that I wouldn't normally watch. A lot of them are comic book/super hero based.

Based on this, and the classically terribly TV series 'Lois & Clark', I know what Superman's costume/uniform (?) does not normally look like Mystique's mutation. Normally he has red undies on over his suit.

I don't like this. I find it makes him look crazy, and too unified...and it's making me focus on his crotchal region, which I don't really want to do, if i'm honest.

Superman is supposed to be chiseled, handsome, but not loin quivering. You shouldn't be looking at his chunk and thinking dirty thoughts. He is wholesome and helpful, not horny and humping.

I need some kind of break in the blue suit. I don't like this.

But oh my god that guy is huge.

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