Thursday, May 25, 2006

Marie Antionette got boo'd

Apparently, at Sofia Coppola's screening of 'Marie Antionette' at Cannes, the movie was boo'd. Hmm, maybe it's because you cast FUCKING KIRSTEN DUNST. Is that bitch insane?!

Yes, 'The Virgin Suicides' was a beautiful film and Kiki was ok in it, but that doesn't mean cast her as one of the most infamous French women in history and then premiere it in FRANCE! Those people aren't going to be happy that you portrayed her as a fugly, snaggle-toothed, pasty ho. Also, THEY HAD TO SEE HER NAKED. God save them all.

Apparently Sofia didn't care much that her movie got boo'd. She was happy that it got a reaction, negative or positive. What an idiot. Stop casting Kirsten Dunst. Seriously, EVERYONE, stop doing it. It's not nice. Plain and simple. None of us want to have to look at her nasty ass. Especially literally.

Oh my god this dress is fucking disgusting. Also, wicked hair-do. It's really hot. Just what all the von Trapps are wearing. Fucking idiot. Goddam.

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