Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Keira Knightly - Other people hate her too!

Apparently, other people hate Keira Knightly too! Yipee! I'm going to start an anti-fan club.

Two of the most read periodicals in England, The Sun and The Mirror, have ripped her to shreds for her crappy fashion sense and drunken behavior this past week in England.

She wore this incredibly fugly jumper (see pic) out shopping all day, with what looks to be leggings or VERY opaque tights and clompy shoes. And then she wore it out to a club. They both slammed her for wearing the same thing to 2 places (fuck, even I change at least once a day and I'm po'), and for being super trashed.

She was so trashed that she took her 10-person party out of the VIP section (which is a no-no for celebrities) and started dancing right next to the washroom. Ew. The washroom? That's fucking gross.

I would love to say she fell into the washroom and doused her head in a toilet that hadn't been flushed for hours, but that didn't happen. Well, not outside my head.

[Source - Egotastic]

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