Thursday, May 25, 2006

Lovely dress & Elvis Dust

I just wanted to say that I love this dress, although I question the bust area. If it can make Aniston's lovely breasticles look inexistent, it isn't that well built.

Still, very lovely. And she looks fantastic.

Recently, her boyfriend, Vince Vaughn said that she had 'Elvis Dust.' What the shit is that, you ask? Listen to him attempt to explain...and it's not even funny in that weird, rambling, Vince Vaughn way:

Vince Vaughn talks to Nancy O'Dell about Jennifer Aniston:
“She's got Elvis dust,” Vince smiled.
“What's Elvis dust?” Nancy asked.
“It's unexplainable. People are drawn to her. Jennifer's the kind of person you could put in a room and all the kids would come over not even knowing how she is,” Vince explained.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Does anyone else think that it's still a stupid way to describe someone?

1 comment:

Cynthia Gallaher said...

i think it's pretty imaginative.