Monday, May 15, 2006

Hillary Duff's best friend is gross

Sometimes you realize that trends are silly and lots of things are ugly, even if they are popular. I believe the following things fall into this category:

  • ~ Leggings (that's right, I'm still not over it)
  • ~ Leg Warmers
  • ~ Terry Cloth Wristbands
  • ~ etc, etc, etc

It occurs to me that some people are not so shrewd. For instance, Hillary Duff's friend Taylor. WHAT THE SHIT?

Seriously Hil, you can't spring to buy your friend some non-ugly clothes? Those boots are horrific! Horror! The cut off jean slacks make me want to hurl and that tube top over her pasty upper body are making me want to throw my stapler at the next person who walks by. And I believe that is a bandana-style headband atop her head too. Fuck me.

Ohhhhhhhh, I get it. Hillary is pulling the old 'Hang Out With Someone Uglier to Make You Look Better' ploy. I know that. I used to pull that one all the time. Ok, if that's it then I can accept, but still, if I had a sniper rifle and that girl walked through my neighbourhood....BLAM!

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