Monday, May 29, 2006

Jude Law & Sienna Miller - primo idiots

I don't know what it is exactly, but I hate these two. I really hate them. I hate Jude Law because he is smarmy and weasely...And I hate Sienna Miller because she seems to be the blonde Kiera Knightly...And we all know how much I love her.

Here are some pictures of the morons this past weekend:

Jude jogging in his undies. Seriously? Is he kidding? MK @ DListed made a
hilarious joke about it...I won't steal it, that hotness deserves all the glory he can get.

In all seriousness, boxers might be passable if they weren't patterned. How about a black pair? You know what? I retract that statement, b/c all boxers have crotch boxes. Not acceptable outerwear. Especially when you're a millionaire.

And here they are shopping. Jude, once again, looking like a fucking tool. I don't mean to be all in this ho's face, but your BOYFRIEND IS GAY. Seriously. Mo-tastic. Deal with it.

Although, on second thought, no self-respecting gay man would go out wearing boxers OR the above outfit. Maybe it's his Tom Cruise and his leather jackets, girlfriend, constant making out; or Ryan Seacrest with his facial hair, hot girls around him, etc.

Think about it.

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