Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Note to Tom Cruise: Please stop talking. Forever.

UPDATE - 8:20 am Thursday:
Suri Cruise was born at 3am PST yesterday morning. I bet Tom is spreading the placenta on toast right now!
You're not going to believe this shit!

Tom Cruise, the infinitely enjoyable psychotic, announced during his GQ interview that he'll probably EAT THE BABY'S PLACENTA once it's born. Let me just give you a moment to wrap your head around that one...


...Yah, that's right. EAT the PLACENTA. Not a Filet 'o' Fish, not haggis, a fucking placenta! This is what came out of his fucked up mouth:

"I'm going to eat the placenta. I thought that would be good. Very nutritious. I'm going to eat the cord and the placenta right there."

Right there, y'all. Right there.

I am out of words. Someone has finally shut me up.

This is some fucked up shit. I hope you enjoy my artwork.

[Source: DListed]

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