Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Missed Opportunity # 6,724,892

Apparently Paris Hilton almost electrocuted herself to death this past weekend. Here's the lowdown:

Bitch was trashed, someone kicked a garden lamp into a pool, she jumped in to get it (brilliant), her boyfriend, Nachos jumped in to save her ass and kicked her in the head (actually brilliant).

All these moron, dramatic-ass guests at this party are obviously not aware of the magical technology that has been in effect since the late 80's with ground breakers on almost EVERYTHING. Don't these assholes ever watch MythBusters? She would never have died b/c the electricity would have cut off as soon as the fucking thing touched water. Unfortunately.

She also apparently tried to do a pole dance while in her trashed state and ended up looking as gross as we all know she is. Hot.

God I wish she had died.

[Source: DigitalSpy]

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