Saturday, March 04, 2006

Things that should not exist: Black.White

The FX network is starting a new reality show called 'Black.White' to try and "reveal the subtleties of racism." Ok, you know what? There are no subtleties of racism. Racist people are small-minded assholes who don't understand that a human being is no different just because of the colour of their skin or where are from.

I think reality TV is the downfall of modern society. It makes everyone feel like they're a sociologist. It will be interesting, and eye-opening, b/c America will be able to see how terrible the majority of people really are, but I don't like it still. I think it will open the door for more people to be bigots.

The make-up jobs are quite good, but I find both families look a bit like cartoon characters. Also, the white dad totally looks like Steve Carell (40 Year-Old Virgin).

And society goes down the tubes even further...

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