Saturday, March 04, 2006

Courtney Love - Fugly

My sister used to say that I looked like Courtney Love. Since she said it during her glamour period, I used to not mind.

If, say, my sister was to say this today, when I found this photo of her wearing shiny, off-white leggings, I might be inclined to cry. This is also how I feel that Frances Bean must feel on a daily basis.

I am surprised this girl isn't already in rehab, Ã la Drew Barrymore. Good for her. Thank god for her grandparents, who saved her from her mother.

Seriously, though, who designed this outfit. Who thought, 'you know what would be nice? A Victorian dress in satin...flowy, a ribbon from an empire waist. Oh yah, that would be nice. Ooh! I know what would be avant-garde of me, I'll throw in some matching leggings! They should be shiny too though..Where am I going to get that fabric...oh, I know, I'll call Figure Skater Supplies...Damn, I'm brilliant.'

Um. No.

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