Monday, October 31, 2011

Speaking of The Duchess.....

Is that what Kate is, a Duchess? Who cares. So in the wake of Kim Kardashian announcing she's leaving her husband, (I don't know his name cause I hate basketball) or cancelling it or whatever you do after 72 days of marriage, I'd like to focus on Kate vs Kim, the makeup edition.

I really don't like Kim K. In fact I think her and her whole family are fame whores and I don't know why everything she does is breaking news. That being said, I find her to be absolutely beautiful. She has great features and clearly has a great team of stylists because even in sweatpants, from the neck up she's always so polished. Look at that contouring, so subtle, so well done. And her eyes, a light smoky eye in great earth tones with a false lash. Now that's how you do it!

Now for Kate. Oh Kate. You know, I get it. She's the girl next door that married the handsome Prince. They represent a new page in the Monarchy. She's nice and sweet and pretty and athletic and a commoner. I get it. Hope and promise and ,snnnooooooorrrrrrrrrrrr. Sorry! I fell asleep! Can someone explain to me why she didn't hire a makeup artist for the event LITERALLY seen around the world by over a billion people?! I was free, she could have called me, I even have a friend in London I could have stayed with. This style of makeup is what I call "80's esthetician makeup". Lots of black liner to accentuate the eyes, rosy pink blush in truck loads and pink lipstick. Gahhh. I felt like it ruined her whole look. Imagine if she had Kim's people for her wedding? SO STUNNING!

Kate, I have a message for you: I know you're trying to be a Princess on a budget but please spend some money on a makeup artist for special events and appearances, it's worth it.

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