Monday, October 31, 2011

Celebrity Halloween Costumes

So Halloween is today, and in the spirit of one of my favorite days of the year, I'm posting some great, expensive Halloween costumes that only celebrities or annoying people can afford. Enjoy!

David Spade:
So gross, but well done. He went as the human centipede. If you don't know what it is already, don't traumatize yourself by looking at this trailer. It's pretty gross.

Gwen Stefani:
I know she only has boys, but how awesome would it be if this was your mom? As a girl, I am pretty sure I would have died.

Heidi Klum:
What a nut. I'm pretty sure if I was a celebrity this is how I would be for Halloween. Totally into it and really extravagant. I don't think I would wear those shoes though, they a bit ridiculous. Also, she has a much better body than I do. I'm pretty sure she doesn't have a back fat section on that bodysuit.

Arnold Schwarzenegger's Illegitimate Son:
Oy. He went as Conan. And not Jason Mamoa Conan. His dad Conan.

I wonder how much they sold these pictures for. Also, isn't he a bit old to be dressing up for Halloween?

JWoww & Roger:
Does anyone else smell burnt hair when they look at this picture? Ugh, they're so gross.

Katherine Heigl:
I get it, you're not dressing up, your kid is. But if you're going to put in some effort, why not put a lot. This is just embarrassing. And super half-assed.

Kim Kardashian:
Ugh. Really?
And those nylons. How many pairs of Spanx tights is that? She looks like a figure skater. They're awful.

You know what? On ANY other human being I would love this costume, because I love me some Poison Ivy...but on her it's just so much.

Ugh. This is even worse than Kim K.

Can you imagine being in a club trying to dance in that sweat robe? Imagine how much it would smell and look after you danced even just for one song?

Also, can we please discuss her crooked ass contacts below? How budget is that? You have to check those things all the time.

1 comment:

Donna said...

Maybe she was trying to dress as a goat and the one on the right turned out crooked. I'm going with that.