Thursday, October 20, 2011

Lindsay Lohan's Bloated Mug Shot

 She's 25.


Look at her.

Look at her lips! Look at her face.

Reports this morning say she was scheduled to show up at her new community service for 8am at the morgue and she didn't show up until 8:45. They turned her away.

It will be interesting to see how the judge feels about this.

Of course she had an excuse that the media confused her and she didn't know what entrance to use. Um, why not try to show up early then? Isn't that what normal people do? If you had, say, a job interview, wouldn't you show up early to make sure you're on time?

Her father is claiming that she's smoking crack and meth...I believe it. She's starting to get that distorted meth face...

Not to mention the busted teeth we discussed earlier this week.

Frequent reader Donna has insight into these things and she mentioned that it looks like meth.

I encourage you to visit the informative site that the police have put up showing people's faces' transformations so you can see how drugs can a affect someone:

For example, look at the below series. This is over a few years. It's scary.

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