Friday, February 25, 2011

Charlie Sheen Is All Sorts Of Crazy

Yesterday, after realizing that one of their co-stars is not going to cure himself of crack addiction in one short month, CBS pulled the plug on the balance of the season of 'Two And a Half Men'.

This came mere hours after Charlie, who has apparently cured his addiction with his mind, sent a letter to TMZ ripping his producer Chuck Lorre (real name Charles Levine) a new one. He referred to him as Chaim, the Hebrew equivalent to Charles, which many took as anti semetic.

"What does this say about Haim Levine [Chuck Lorre] after he tried to use his words to judge and attempt to degrade me. I gracefully ignored this folly for 177 shows ... I fire back once and this contaminated little maggot can't handle my power and can't handle the truth. I wish him nothing but pain in his silly travels especially if they wind up in my octagon. Clearly I have defeated this earthworm with my words -- imagine what I would have done with my fire breathing fists. I urge all my beautiful and loyal fans who embraced this show for almost a decade to walk with me side-by-side as we march up the steps of justice to right this unconscionable wrong. Remember these are my people ... not yours...we will continue on together... Charlie Sheen"

There is also this TOTALLY insane rant he went on while on a local radio station. If you've ever seen a crack or meth addict on 'Intervention', you'll recognize the speed and mania heard in his voice:

Audio can be heard here. It's intense.

In response, Dana White offered them a spot on this weekend's PPV. I'm disappointed in Dana for that...

He sounds mental though, he needs to be hospitalized and strapped down. He's clearly not clean or sober.


Anonymous said...

What the hell happened to his teeth?! Didn't he have teeth last year?

The Beginning said...

Looks like he has meth teeth!!! eww

Donna said...

Yes, silly travels often end in someone else's octagon. Either he got punched in the mouth a few times with fire breathing fists, or those are meth teeth.