Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Wicked Halloween Costume!

Oh shit. That's her REAL clothes!

Joanie Laurer, aka Chyna, former wrestler is one fucked up biatch. A choker! COME ON. PS- that belt isn't really throwing the outfit together, I must be honest.

Chyna was gross when she was in WWE, and when she was on The Surreal Life, but this outfit might be the grossest.

This woman needs to lay off the roids for a bit and not dress like a weird, 14 year-old, Japanese hooker.

If you really want to be grossed out, check out this synopsis of her porn with her ex boyfriend, X-Pac (also a former wrestler).

You've been warned.

If you're really yearning for gross, afterall it is halloween, click on all the underlined parts for screencaps!

Seriously though, I warned you. Highlight here for a hint: 3 inch long clit!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what the eff?...I had no idea Chyna dated X-Pac...that's really gross.....I almost spit out my Special K when I read that.....god that's so disturbing. I hate it.