Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Lord Lohan post of the day - Oct 3

It's been a while, I know. I haven't worshipped at the church of Lilo in a while. It's nothing serious, I don't think. It's just been this general malaise with the world of celebrity gossip. It hasn't been turning me on as much lately.

I know you all have noticed.

I spent a while today reading sites and refreshing my brain, and I think I might be back. I'm sorry if I hurt any of you.

Here's a pic of the lord with the Duke, Harry. They're eating at The Ivy, for privacy of course. I'm in love with her outfit. She looks mad hot.

I am still not crazy about him though. I don't know if he's hot enough for her.

Let's say it together: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmm Lohan.

Ahhh. That felt good.

1 comment:

Not a hipster said...

I totally forgive you for not posting lately. I'm glad you're back!