Monday, December 20, 2010

The Eternal (Though Recent) Debate: iPhone vs Blackberry

I was going to start this post by complaining about the 2 smart phones I have, and then I realized it makes me sound like such a spoiled brat that I should probably go jump off a bridge for considering it...

I'm going to go donate $ to a charitable cause after this post. I suggest you do too. Here are a couple of my faves:

Ok, back to the reason for the post - I am spoiled.

I have a work phone, it is a Blackberry. I have long been into the Blackberry. I love BBM'ing, I am big on having my email there for me when I want/need it. When I first got it, I really did personify the Crackberry addict. I still love it, but I'm not quite as tied to it as I used to be.

Recently, a friend said he thought his iPhone was radiating his brain. Not being frightened (enough) of things like that, I said I'd buy it from him for my personal phone. I was so damn excited that I downloaded apps a week before I got it.

So I got it last night and I plug it in, and my friend, being not so tech savvy, had never plugged his iPhone into a it had never been updated. So I plug it in, update it, bla bla bla. The one thing I forgot to get is a SIM card, so it wouldn't work as a phone.

So I got the SIM card today and I plug it back into my computer and it's frozen. Frozen on the iTunes upload page. And it won't go away. No matter what I do. I eventually went on an Apple help forum and there is some super long, complicated thing I have to do to fix it.

So far, I'm still loving my problem free Blackberry and not so impressed with the iPhone. Not impresed at all. I'll keep you updated on the progress.

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