Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Fashion Atrocities - December is a BAD Month

I don't know what's going on this month, but here are some more fashion atrocities selected from this world wide web thingy we have here.

I don't know what in the sweet hell is going on in this photo shoot, but I do see some Teva high heeled sandals, and they make me want to peel my eyeballs like a potato. As if those heinous sandals weren't enough on dirty stoners with backpacks and beards, now we have to see women with nice legs doing yard work in them? In 5" heel versions of them?

Ugh, this hurts me.
At least there is a grippy soul for yard work safety. I would like to write to ask them to take off the Canadian flag though, I find it embarrassing.
Then there's Selena Gomez, who has cute shoes, but the worst pants of all time. From the front, they looked all innocently ugly, like 'oh, those are some hideous cuffed harem pants. Why would that girl wear those?'

And then BAM! THERE ARE SLITS DOWN THE SIDES. Not just slits, but full length slits. Those are worse than the slits that people have on their long sleeve dresses that go from shoulder to wrist with a tiny bartack at the elbow. Blech. At least the shirt version has the sensibility to have a bartack halfway.

Mind you, if my thighs were still 17, I would probably wear these too. 17 year old thighs are great.

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