Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Got In TROUBLE in Rehab Part 3

Wow, this is blowing up fast. For reals. Lindsay is claiming she was the victim, but wrist brace Dawn Holland is also claiming the whole thing, it's really something else.

The tech who claims to have been battered by Lindsay Lohan has now done the following:
- Been paid by TMZ $10-15k to give her story
- Paid by RadarOnline to admit she was paid by TMZ
- Been exposed for previous battery charges pressed by her husband
- Been fired from Betty Ford for discussing patients outside of the facility


Also, here's a link to the email she wrote after the be honest, I'm super confused by the use of "Lindsay" and "Bella G."...are they the same person? And can we please? How about a paragraph here and there? Some punctuation?

Hey Zeus!

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