Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Rock is on the juice again...?

I'm sure a lot of you don't know this, and please consider yourself lucky for not knowing the in depth history of the WWE, but when Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson originally was coming up in the WWE he took steroids.

This is speculation, but the general consensus among those who know in the industry is that the WWE encourages their wrestlers to do what they must to be the best, even supplying them with what they need to do so. No holds barred!

So, when The Rock took the 'roids, he developed bitch tits - which is a common side effect, and for a long while wore a t-shirt to hide them and then to hide the surgery scars when he had them drained. After that, he became a star.

News is that he's starring in the upcoming sequel (they're still making these???) to 'Fast and the Furious', 'Fast Five' or some crap title. There were pictures released this week of him and Vin Diesel coming out of the same hotel. Ugh, Vin Diesel.

Anyhoo, Rock looks REALLY big. Like, silly big, and it looks to me like he's peaking a little in the booby area, no? I can make the following assumption:

  • He is either back on the juice for this crap movie and his bitch tits are growing back
  • He is trying to attract Snooki by being a muscled-up juice head.
I'm going with option 1.


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