Friday, July 30, 2010

International Injustice of the Day: Snooki is arrested!!!!

I love Jersey Shore. It is my dirty little secret. And it's not a secret, at all. I just love it.

It's tacky, it's tasteless and the people are completely disgusting. All sorts of fantastic, and if I may, quite the ego boost. It's a good "hmm, maybe I'm not so bad/ugly/tacky/icky" show to watch.

Well today, one of my favourite characters got arrested! WHAT HORRIBLE injustice. What if she can't finish the season?

I'm devastated.

No one is quite sure why, at the moment, just that it was for disorderly conduct. That encompasses so many fun things.

We shall see!


The Chelsea and Briana Variety Blog- said...

oh my goodness, I love your blog! I've read almost all of it in the last few days. I had my wisdom teeth removed, so I can't really do anything else. you're absolutely amazing, fresh, and honest. keep it up!

Skankopolis said...

Thank you!!! I had my wisdom teeth out a few years ago. I have never been so stoned for such a long period of time...not to mention how svelte I was after eating apple sauce all week.

Feel better and many thanks!