Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Jessica Biel looks dumb in this

Unlike most other people, I for some reason like Jessica Biel. Not as an actress, or as Justin Timberlake's girlfriend, but as a woman with gorgeous lips, hair and a fantastic body. Up until recently, when she got really thin, I coveted her body. It was fantastic back in the day, for example this photo.

Also recently she has taken to saying really, really obnoxious things to the press. Like that she's too pretty to get roles. No honey (ha ha, so condescending), it's not that you're too pretty, it's that you're a terrible actress.

Anyhoo, here she is promoting the A-Team and she is wearing one of the ugliest, most misshapen dresses I've seen in a while. And I do very little work and look at pictures a lot, as I'm sure I've mentioned.

I mean, I love a one-shouldered dress, even though it's something my husband detests. I still think it's a nice look and it can be done very beautifully, despite the asymmetry.

This is not done well. That is one BIG ASS sleeve. And it's so uncalled for. Imagine it was just a one shouldered strap, how pretty would that be?

Ugh, some people are the worst.

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