Monday, July 05, 2010

Cosmo is the most retarded magazine AND employ worst Photoshoppers in industry - see Britney Spears' head.

You know that thing about magazines how they're almost never actually relevant to the market to which they market themselves? For example, I read Seventeen when I was 13 and 14. By the time I was 17, I thought it was retarded. Cosmopolitan, is a TERRIBLE magazine. I am cosmopolitan and I hate it. Ok, that's a less good example, but still, you get my point.

So I saw this ridiculous picture of Britney Spears obviously Photoshopped-on head and thought I would go to the site to steal it from the actual publisher, and not some poor other Blogger who's struggling like me. Looking for the photo, I fall upon this TOTALLY ridiculous quiz:

Like, really? Isn't this magazine meant to be for WOMEN? I get that adult women think that Robert Pattinson is hot, and I myself have read the books, just because of the social phenomenon attached, but REALLY? Aren't there more pressing issues in the world of Cosmo other than where Edward sleeps (PS - The answer is C, he doesn't sleep - DUH)

So anyhoo, back to this picture of Britney. Like, REALLY? This is, like, barely trying. This is worse than when I jokingly put my friends' heads on top of animal's bodies or something. This is ridiculous.

Cosmo and Hearst, you should be REALLY embarrassed.

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