Saturday, July 03, 2010

Lindsay Lohan celebrated her birthday, got punched in the face. FANTASTIC.

Nothing makes my weekend like people getting punched in the face or other Parasites getting arrested in South Africa for smoking pot at the World Cup. Dumbass.

But back to the original story. So Lindsay, was out celebrating her 24th birthday with her Scram bracelet and some douchey dudes and their waitress, who formerly dated Ryan Seacrest and one of the douchey dudes got all cranky because the dude wasn't interested in her and punched Lindsay in the face.

Isn't that great? Made my day, I tell you.

Here are some pics:

Lindsay post-punch, leaving the club where she got punched. I feel like there's a mascara stain down her left cheek like she either cried or her eye watered. Do you see it?

This is her twitter right after it happened. Awesome. I woke up to that yesterday.
And this is the waitress, who once dated Ryan Seacrest and who was obviously really cranky. Although I'll never understand why women get mad at the's the guy who is being a douche.

Happy Saturday everyone!

Now if only some pictures would surface of Parasite Hilton getting arrested in South Africa...

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