Friday, July 16, 2010

Courtney Cox admits to Botox!

FINALLY. I mean, also, who did she think she was fooling by denying it?

From this month's InStyle:
"Aging gracefully is one thing, but trying to slow it down is another. Sometimes I use Botox. Compared to most, I use it very sparingly. One time I did too much, though. I feel weird if I can't move my face, and that one time I overdid it, I felt trapped in my own skin. I don't have a problem with any of that stuff; if it makes you feel better about yourself and it's done properly, then fine."

Now, if she would only admit to the crazy lip injections she so obviously has... but I guess the fact that she said that she has no problem with any of it is basically an admission. I'm taking it for that.

Even when I took that mag out of the mailbox the other day I was like, 'come on woman! that upper lip is not normal, nor has it been there your whole life!'


1 comment:

Reecy said...

Woah guess her Kinerase contract is over