Friday, July 30, 2010

Renee Zellweger gets Bradley Cooper?

Daily, I find this relationship difficult to swallow. I just don't see how Bradley Cooper can find this mess attractive. I mean, look at her!

Look at her hair! Is that not the haircut of a 7 year old boy? From 1983?

And her face! Why is she always scrunch-mouthed like that? Always pouty, and squinty. Maybe if she ever ate anything (the only things I've seen in her mouth in the past year is coffee and cigarettes) she would have healthier hair that didn't look like that.

Oh the horrors. I cannot believe that man would waste this hot on that creature. It just doesn't add up.

I'd prefer if he was gay. It would make more sense as to A) why I can't have him (aside from my spectacular marriage to a wonderful man) and B) how he could be with her.


She looks like a pumpkin with that hair.

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