Friday, August 08, 2008

Rumer Willis and her undies

So, the other day I was doing laundry and my phone rang. Unfortunately, I was in my birthday suit (hee hee, haven't used that in a while) and I knew my portable was near a large window in my apartment...I grabbed a pillowcase and covered myself. No, I do not know why I was naked while doing laundry. I'm weird. As if you didn't already know that.

Anyhoo, the point being that I think Rumer Willis might have done the same thing, but used a ridiculously low thread count because I can see her underpants! And the contour of her 'V'.

That's kind of uninteresting now that I think about it. I mean, the amount of vag and boob we see, who the hell cares about a translucent pillowcase dress?

I'm more concerned about the weird roundness of her body...she's so sloped everywhere. She has no muscle definition...and bitch has good genes. She should hit the gym and work on her shoulders...those are embarrassing. Also, she should get some more supportive shoes...her arches will thank her in 10 years. Wow. When did I become a senior citizen?

I'm waiting now for someone to rip me a new one because I insulted her shoulders...

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