Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Oh John Travolta, Just Be Gay Already

Tell me you guys have heard of the 2 masseurs suing John Travolta this week for sexual harrassment?

If not, please let me fill you in on a Skankopolis version of events:

  1. The first anonymous (sketch) masseur came forward to say that JT hired him for a massage and asked that he pick him up on the street (sketchier) then took him back to a bungalow at Chateau Marmont (sketchiest) where he was fondled, etc against his will then paid double after being berated.
  2. John Travolta denies
  3. John Travolta lawyers up
  4. The second masseur (also anonymous - sketch) came forward today claiming a similar story, but this one is from another state. Same lawyer (sketchier) and this time says that JT kept attempting to convince him to touch him on his anus and erect penis.
  5. John Travolta denies again.
Look. How many stories have to come out about this guy before he admits that he's gay? Why is he so ashamed?

I give points to the masseurs for coordinating themselves timeline, but the fact that they're not willing to give their names is a big fail.

He is one of the richest guys out there...he will protect his rep as much as he can. 

Also, this photo makes me giggle.

1 comment:

ladyv said...

fantastic photo choice