Sunday, May 27, 2012

Beyonce Returned To the Stage

Celebrities annoy me.

As well as being my favorite thing to waste countless hours on, they really piss me off. Like, yesterday, my husband and I were in the grocery store and in line we see this magazine cover that says something stupid like, "Stars Share Their Get Fit Secrets" and my reaction was, "Um, yah, their jobs are to be fit and attractive. Duh."

Last week I worked 38 hours in the first 3 days of the week. And that's a normal week for me. I admit, I might be a workaholic a bit, but at the same time, I'm not going to applaud Beyonce for looking super amazing only 4+ months after having a baby because IT'S HER JOB.

That's ALL she has to do. She has nannies, millions and millions of dollars and access to the latest and greatest of all diets, foods, supplements, gyms, etc, etc, etc.

All that to say she looks awesome and I'm going to stop wearing pants. If she can do it, why can't I?

Oh right, because I have cellulite. Dang.

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