Friday, March 25, 2011

Plenty Of Bad Outfits: JLo, Fergie, Full House

Jodi Sweetin:
She has at least one child. Mothers should not dress like small town hookers. And there's just so much wrong going on here. It starts with her hair, it's just so bad. Then that weird lace cover-up. Ohhhh, and the necklace placed over that neckline. Come on. COME ON.

I'm sickened.

One Of The Olsen Twins:
Seriously, I never have any idea which is which. Look, they made their $ that way, they can live with my confusion. I mean, could one of them dye their hair or something!?!

Anyway, I don't know what the f%#& one of them is wearing here, but OH MY GOD. At no point is this acceptable. Gahhhh, I'm dizzy from the ugliness.

Speaking of dizzy. These pants! OMG. You have to be a very confident to wear these. Maybe too confident. Or a circus ring master. My god. And she is fit as hell, but she's curvy. This is a ballsy move.

Oh my god. What IS this? I read a story that on this particular trip she was incredibly demanding and freaked out on the hotel staff to get her 6 full garment racks to her room faster, etc. Then she wore 2 outfits. And one of them was THIS!

This whole page makes me feel as if people have head injuries. They're not just mildly bad choices, they're brain damage choices. Jesus.

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