Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Zac Efron: The Hair

This Zac Efron person is from High School Musical, right? And we're meant to believe he's straight, right? My gaydar is going off big time right now. BIG time.

But I'm more concerned about his hair. Why is it acceptable to look like he's combed all his hair into his face with mousse, then gotten in a car and stuck his head out the back window so that it's all pasted down in the same direction? What is good about that? The obvious hour it takes him to go through this process?

And below, my oh my, I don't know what that pomp is, but I do not accept. It's too much hair, it's too unevenly vertical and, quite frankly, it's freaking me out.

I don't know who this is, but I don't like it.

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