Sunday, July 13, 2008

Magazine Covers That Annoy Me This Week

Obviously, the editors at 'Cosmo' and 'OK' think we're idiots, because they treat us like idiots. Please, allow me to explain:

Scarlet Johansson (I have been spelling that wrong forEVER) is here on the cover of Cosmo, looking delightful and very sexy. What I would like to know, is how she hold up the upper portion of her body with that tiny neck-widthed waist. COME ON!

Unless she had several ribs removed, there is NO WAY her body actually looks like that. So now 473 idiot women who saw this in the grocery store are going to starve themselves and wear corsets to try to look like this.


Jamie-Lynn Spears on 'OK!' with her new baby. Aside from her hair (please don't get me going on that bleached out mess) does anything else strike you as strange about this?

(On prudish, old fashioned soapbox) WHAT ABOUT A 17 year-old having a baby is OK??!?!

1 comment:

staticwarp said...

oh, having children at 17 is fine! it's great to get it out of the way early! especially if you dont know who the father is and plan on supporting it with money leeched off of your psychotic, drug addled semi-superstar sister!

ja, and her hair makes her look sixty. i wonder if they did that on purpose, to try and take away from the whole teenage-mom appearance.