Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Cornrows and braids look terrible on EVERYONE

I seriously almost started a blog called 'Cornrows and Braids Look Terrible on EVERYONE' after getting back from Jamaica.

I have curly hair, it gets frizzy. It was often frizzy in Jamaica, but I NEVER, EVER thought of putting in hideous, never flattering cornrows. They had a chair next to the pool where people would sit there ALL DAY and get these things done in their hair.

What is wrong with society?

None of these are the photos from our trip just random ones I found online.


Anonymous said...

It's especially disturbing when guys have them and have a little "extra" in the back. I like to call it a cornrullet.(cornrows+mullet = cornrullet)
It just isn't right!

Anonymous said...

Aight people. I´m white, but my braids look damn good anyway. Colour doesn´t matter. What matter is the shape of your skull