Monday, February 11, 2008

Ye ole BAFTA's

BAFTA's (British Academy of Film and Television Arts) were this past weekend. Some people were there, here's what I have energy to post about.

Emily Blunt:
Although this looks like a recycled curtain from the 'Price is Right', it's not too shabby on her. She looks good in stuff.

Jessica Biel:
Hey! The blonde doesn't look so bad when someone has spent some time to make it look like a comb and some conditioner went through it in the past week. She looks good in everything, but that dress is gorge. Very lovely.

Kate Hudson:
Looks like she learned her lesson about sucking in her gut. 2 weeks of gut pictures and then trapeze dresses and now she's back in gold, the original Kate Hudson killer. She looks good, but the hair is a little bla, no?

Keira Knightly:
Oh my god I hate her. I just want to punch her. And then I'd take the dress, rip it to shreds and jam it down her throat so she can't complain about everything anymore. Gahh! I hate that dress!!! Gahhhhhhhhhhhh!

Sienna Miller:
As with Chloe Sevingly, I no longer want to hear anything about this woman being so fashionable. This dress is a disaster.

[Thanks to for some pics]

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