Thursday, February 07, 2008

Rant time!

As some of you may know, I hate American Idol. I am unable to pinpoint exactly why, but I honestly can't watch more than 15 seconds before the hair on the back of my neck stands up and I want to lunge at the TV.

Here are a few reasons why I think I hate it (remember, this is based solely on exposure times of ~15 seconds & clips I hear in the car on the way to work):

  • Simon's frankness (aka insulting lack of tact) was refreshing 87 seasons ago when the show started. Now it's just annoying that he's that goddam cranky and rude all the time

  • It is IMPOSSIBLE that many people are that terrible at singing and don't know it yet, some of those people are so clearly fakes or staged.

  • Randy's faux homey-ness really gets on my nerves. Stop saying 'dawg'. Just stop it.

  • I'm tired of hearing how crazy and drugged out Paula Abdul is.

  • Clay Aiken

  • Seriously Simon, shut it.

  • Granted, some of these people are legitimately talented, but now we have to deal with all the runners-up who need to start their Christian rock bands and jam it down our throats

  • Why can't Ryan Seacrest's voice not have that irritating, spine-grating quality?

In short, I hate it. I can't believe it's on the air and people are obsessed with it. In the United States more people vote for the finals of American Idol than for the PRESIDENTIAL election. Seriously. That is embarrassing.

Anyhoo, I apologize for the crankiness, I haven't slept a lot this week

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