Thursday, February 07, 2008

Britgate 2: She's out!

She's out! The doctors deemed her no longer a danger to herself or others, so they let her out. Her parents are pissed and have released this statement:

"As parents of an adult child in the throws of a mental health crisis, we were extremely disappointed this morning to learn that over the recommendation of her treating psychiatrist, our daughter Britney was released from the hospital that could best care for her and keep her safe. We are deeply concerned about our daughter's safety and vulnerability and we believe her life is presently at risk. There are conservatorship orders in place created to protect our daughter that are being blatantly disregarded. We ask only that the court's orders be enforced so that a tragedy may be averted."

She immediately got in her car and started driving around LA, causing an unbelievable fracas when about 20 paps in cars tried to turn from 3 lanes into one to follow her. For some of the time she was with the bodyguard her parents hired for her (see above pic). Eventually she got herself to the Beverly Hills hotel where Adnan met her and they met her lawyer...

TMZ has a video of her still using the british accent...that doesn't sound to me like she's ok. They shouldn't have released her.
It looks like her parents are going to be in court today fighting to get her back in, or at least for a little more control of her. Her father had conservatorship, meaning the hospital should have at least consulted him before letting her out...which they didn't.
I can't believe I have to be at this stupid job all day and can't just sit at home on the internet waiting for developments. The world is not fair.

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