Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ugh. Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel Are The Worst

Have you ever wanted to punch someone in the face more?

This is the MOST obnoxious wedding photo I've ever seen.

And I'm having a hard type explaining exactly why I feel this way but here are a few reasons:

  • I find Justin Timberlake near intolerable unless he is singing or in an SNL digital short
  • I am borderline ashamed of Jessica Biel for being such a wet rag that she is marrying the guy who openly cheated on her for years
  • The fact that he decided to jump into the photo like this gives me violent nausea
  • Her perfect princess pose next to him speaks to how desperate she is to be perfect and beautiful and how much she feels she needs him to be relevant
  • The decor
  • Her comb-over. What the hell is going on there?
  • Is that white carpet? White carpet is the most pretentious carpet color possible.
  • I still have violent nausea over his jumping into the photo.

And then it gets worse.

A blind item emerged this week about a celebrity wedding where a video was played which was a parody that included some of the homeless people of Los Angeles expressing their apologies for not being to attend said wedding.

It was meant to be funny, and word has the couple were surprised by it and had nothing to do with it, but it speaks to what kind of thinking happens by people in this type of lifestyle. That it is funny to mock people whose lives are in that situation. The mentally ill, the drug addicted, the 97% of Americans who are feeling the economic troubles in ways that the more fortunate can never understand.

The blind item was basically revealed yesterday, by Gawker and it was Timberbiel's wedding. I won't embed it, because I find it disgusting, but you can see the video and article here.

Kind of gross. No?

If you want to help the homeless, there are some really great charities out there. Here is a link to one in Montreal that I personally donate to:

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