Sunday, October 28, 2012

Celebrity Halloween Costumes

Emma Roberts:
Ugh. Also, ugh. She's dating that creepy dude from 'American Horror Story' who kind of half assed his costume, no? But she's dressed as her auntie Julia/a really tacky prostitute. We get it Emma, Julia Roberts is your aunt. Stop reminding us.

Ken Jeong:
This is only because Ken makes me laugh.

Nicole Richie & slutty friends:
I thought she'd be cooler than this.

Christina Aguilera:
Some people make halloween all about being slutty. I've always preferred Halloween as a time to be really ridiculous. The rest of the year people give me hell for it.

Like, what is she supposed to be?

Hilary Duff:
I'm entranced by what is going on at her elbow. Is that a fold of skin? It's really creepy. her make-up is really great though, whoever did it should be proud of them self.

Jenny McCarthy:
How cute is this? I want this costume. The shoes kind of ruin it for me, but they're still really cute. Also, aren't we over leggings?

Kim Kardashian & Kanye West:
This costume is pretty great, but she is freaking me out as a blonde. It's such a weird look. His pants are also freaking me out. He looks weird when them rolled up like that. Yuck.

Scott Disick:
Is he screen testing for an American Psycho remake? There have been rumours for a long time that he has been hand picked to play Patrick Bateman in the remake. I don't think they should remake it. How can anyone do better than Christian Bale? He looks Bateman-y though. Hip to Be Square.

Stacey Kiebler:
Not a costume. Just saying. Also, your legs look really creepy.

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