Friday, October 12, 2012

Lindsay Lohan and Dina Lohan Are A Mess (AKA DUH)

So two nights ago, these two messes went out and ended up getting into a huge fight at 4am in a limo.

It resulted in a domestic disturbance visit from the cops and a hysterical call to Michael Lohan, who of course immediately released the recording to TMZ. What a class act.

We shouldn't be surprised. This family is full trash.

You can hear the call here on TMZ, it's kind of a waste of time, but during the call Lindsay claims that Dina is on 'cocaine'. I find that a weird way to say it. I've never heard anyone say the full word when referring to it. It's like she's TRYING to sound innocent about drugs.

Anyhoo, apparently the whole thing was a fight about $40,000 that Lindsay gave to Dina because her house was in foreclosure. Dina did something gross and Lindsay asked for it back.

Yesterday morning they were seen hugging awkwardly as Lindsay left for a private jet flight back to LA to promote a new energy drink. Is she gross enough to be ironic yet? I guess we'll see. Or these people are stuck in 2006 and think she's great. Either or.

Lindsay also called TMZ last night and talked to them for 18 minutes (click the link to listen, I'm not wasting my life listening to her lie) about how she inaccurately accused her mother of being on drugs. Reneg, reneg, reneg. She also says her father is dead to her. On that vein, I'm with her. It was a seriously dick move to release the call to TMZ. Why is he even recording his calls? That's so creepy!

That family deserves each other. She and her mother are constantly covering each other's tracks. Both of them should be in rehab and then be kept away from each other.

What a disaster.

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