Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Product Review: Herbal Essences Body Envy Hairspray

So I'm a bit of a product snob........and when I say "bit" I mean really massive, huge, skank-faced, "get that cheap shit away form me!" kinda snob. However, every now and then I find pharmacy brand products that I really like. This hair spray being one of them.

I was in a bit of a bind and really needed hair spray, so I picked this up at my local drug store. It was on sale for $2.79, so if it was crap I could easily throw it out with no regrets. Now, I love hairspray......LOVE. My hair absorbs everything so I use more product than the average person. This stuff really did the job. Not only does it smell fantastic, it has great hold which is usually my big beef with non-professional products. Final verdict: Herbal Essences Body Envy Hairspray is awesome. Really good hold, shine and smell. Great for doing curls and chignons. However if you want something light and brushable, it may not be for you.

Sara: I can attest to her using a lot of product. Before leaving my home on Friday night she emptied a can of hairspray on her head. The only product I've ever been able to suggest to her was one that I'm pretty sure is part made of cement and traumatized my hair into a corner for 4 days. 

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