Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Elizabeth Hasselback is a Meany to Bill Maher

I love this picture.

Bill looks so bored and intolerant of her being a total idiot and loudmouth.

Bill is so much smarter than this stupid bitch and she's so annoying and persistent about being annoying.

I mean she's SO annoying that even Barbara Walters, who signs her cheques cannot stand to listen to her attack Bill over something completely dumb.

Bill made a joke. Bill is a comedian. It was about this dumb ho, and she was offended. Instead of admitting that she was offended that he joked to trade her for POW's in the middle East, she pretended it was a women's issue.

Like, really? Just say you're mad that he made a joke about sending you overseas because you're so annoying.

And then she just keeps nagging at him the whole time...and everyone else on the panel just wants her to shut the hell up.

Watch it. He's so smart and so controlled that it makes her look even stupider.

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