Saturday, October 17, 2009

Lilo looking fresh (hee hee) in court

Oh Lindsay Lohan, watching your antics is quite enjoyable, but is starting to get tiring.

She's had a pretty nutso few weeks starting with the Ungaro show in Paris, her dad deciding he needed to publicly out her for her prescription drug addictions, her mother denying it all and of course her twittering about Samantha Ronson breaking up with her yet again.

This was all punctuated by her being called to court because she hadn't finished her alcohol education courses from when she was on probation.

The judge called her to court and told her to stop thumbing her nose at the court and he extended her probation. After she showed up late and looking like this. Yah. Wasted. And hungover. Yeesh.

What a hot, hot mess.

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