Friday, October 02, 2009

Lindsay Lohan looks old and the 80's are case you hadn't already noticed.

Sometimes the clothes that celebrities wear confuse me.

Or the clothes they put their 15 year old sisters in. You know.

I was young in the 80's and 90's, so I was exposed to lycra dresses and ugly make-up and big hair. Sometimes, my best friend and I would dress in my mother's or sister's clothes and make-up and it would be inappropriate. Which is why we didn't leave the house.

Ali Lohan leaves the house looking like a corner-working hooker WAY too often. Like, WAY too often.

I'm tempted to replace Lindsay with Ali as our Skank Extraordinaire. Wow. They are both so gross.

Lindsay's 'slacks' are really grossing me out and all those lace cut-outs are really making me sick.


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