Thursday, August 27, 2009

Possible Halloween costume

I used to be big into Halloween, like BIG. I used to spend a lot of time and money making awesome costumes for my husband and the point of getting things made at a dress-maker. Like that stupid.

I kind of miss it. There's something fun about dressing up and being silly for a I was thinking this year might be the year to do it again...
I was thinking of maybe being John & Kate (minus the 8)...And then I found this totally awesome wig that makes it possible. I mean, it's a perfect wig of her hideous hair. How can I not do this?
Plus - as a bonus, I'm really good and being bitchy and making bitchy faces. Perfect!
All my hubby has to do is wear a douchey t-shirt and look sad. I already make him sad, so it's perfect.

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