Monday, December 01, 2008

Lindsay Lohan - really thin in leggings and boots I want, but can't afford.

Recently, videos surfaced of our friend Lindsay Lohan, the Skank Extraordinaire, drinking!

I'm not into the ladies, but her boobs look fantastic in that video. Damn. I wish those were my boobs!

She got out of rehab for the 47th time earlier this year. I'm pretty sure vodka is not allowed after rehab. Unless she did what I used to do to my parents' liquor, and it's basically just bitter water now...ha ha. Good times. If only I knew my dad didn't care baout his 20 year old peach schnappes.

Anyhoo, above is a pic of her this weekend wearing leggings (shock!) and boots I wish I owned. Her legs are really skinny. I'm not sure they were ever not-skinny, but damn. Maybe she's not only hitting the old Polish Water (vodka), maybe she's powdering her nose too...

I just realized I don't really care. Do you?

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