Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Let EVERYONE do their own thing!

I'm not normally up on my soapbox bla bla bla-ing about what I believe in, etc. But in the case of Prop 8, I have strong feelings. You can love me or hate me for it, but I am inspired to share today.

I don't think we should be able to dictate who cannot get married just based on sexual orientation. Why do people care if a man loves a man or a man loves a woman? Shouldn't we just be happy that people love each other? I don't know what business it is of the government to say yes or no to couples who want to get married, gay, bisexual or hetero.

Open your minds people. Purple, black, gay, bisexual, orange, polka-dotted, hetero or whatever - a human being is a human being and no one is better than any other, nor should anyone's rights be different...didn't we learn that with slavery?

I fell upon this mini-musical on and I really enjoyed it, I hope you do to. Let's cross our fingers for everyone to have the same rights in 2009, and stop the bullshit.

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