Thursday, September 14, 2006

SPF has a brother

Britney Spears had another baby! Yes, I'm late on this too. Give me a break!

A little bit lighter (just over 6lbs), hopefully thanks to her nacho-free pregnancy, their 2nd son was born just 2 days before little Sean Preston's 1st birthday. Which is today. I think. Do you really care? It's not like you're sending him presents...

Reports today said that their 2nd son will also have the initials SP (Sutton Pierce), but this is contrasting to previous reports where they were saying she was naming the baby Jailyn in homage to her parents, Jamie & Lynn.

Or maybe she realized that Jailyn was a stupid name.

How cute is this picture of SPF version 1 looking out the hospital room window? He's like a doll.

1 comment:

Skankopolis said...

I know, she REALLY needs to get into shape or she might as well retire.