Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Becks = hotness


To start off, I was very sad to hear that Victoria is not, in fact, pregnant, as her mimbo (hot hot hot) husband accidentally confirmed on TV the other day. I am, however, pretty happy because I would have to go kick her in the face for being drunk last week. Not cool.

Now, I would like to address their outfits. At first, I was like, 'oh, that's neat, they're going to a costume party. She is a chic mummy and he is a newsie.' Then I realized that it's September, not the end of October.

I think his hat is cute. The vest is cute. The bag is...guess...cute! But all together??? Give me a break! He should call Christian Bale and they can do a remake of Newsies (PS- that shit was HOT)...because otherwise, this outfit is totally unacceptable.

Her dress is admittedly not that bad, but it's not that good either. And for the love of all things holy, can the woman put in her extensions again? Is she waiting for another Malaysian hooker to die so she can have the human hair? God. Kill one. I don't care for the bob.

Ok. That's enough. They're hot. I take it all back.

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