Sunday, February 12, 2006

Nicole Kidman spent a bit too much time in the G-Force machine

Something is up with Nicole Kidman's face! I can't find the screen capture from the Grammy's that made my boyfriend and I both yelp, but she looked so goddamn scary.

She looks like she went on a really fast roller coaster and her face got stuck like that.

There was a feature on her in In Style recently, and it showed her face/hair from the mid 80's to now and I saw a change in her features. It could have been attributed to weight loss, or loss of baby fat, but at the Grammy's there was something else at work. She looks stretched out. It's not good. She should really back off, b/c she looks too thin, too plastic and not at all like a human. She and her flat-ironing boyfriend should go to spa and have their shit loosened. They are gross.

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